Thank you for the eloquent summary of your transition from nomad to sedentary again. We all anticipated that going from turtle to rabbit was going to be tough for the 2 of you. But you will get there and I am sure some of the stuff you unpack will seem all the more precious and novel to use and lay your hands upon again, while other objects will be starkly superfluous to the returned couple. Take care and I will try to get to Ithica or meet you in VA one of these not too distant days.

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Good Luck with your updates and moving into the house. I feel blessed that we met you at Bourbon & Beyond and got to say Happy Birthday! Thanks for the update and you are on our list to visit when we go “full time” in the near future!

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Good luck with it all! The tight market for construction is real and apparently "everywhere". It's certainly the case in SOMA! We did a renovation during Covid (which was mostly wonderful), but still haven't tackled a few loose ends since we can't get anyone to do them.

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