I think you’ve seen pix on fb or otherwise heard of my off-grid lodge up in the Finger Lakes. I also find that this question of bodily waste is very concerning to people!

“OMG! How does one manage without porcelain and lots of running water?”

While bodily waste certainly deserves some respect — at least enough to know that it should not be stored near foodstuffs! — it is important to remember that all kinds of life forms are pooping and peeing all around us… CONSTANTLY!

And also, in the case of solid waste, should such fuss really be made about something that takes about three minutes a day to manage?

“What about poop?” Well, I often answer, under what weather conditions? Is it a beautiful spring morning or is there a blizzard raging outside?

Different methodologies, but no big deal either way.

Yes… we are smart, fancy humans, but we are still just biological organisms after all!

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Hear, hear! Completely agree, Chris. It’s just poop. And we all do it.

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